
Thursday, April 23, 2020

How To Live A Good Life

Living a good life means different things to different people. Life is not just an adventure full of mystery that is yet to be uncovered. Life is a chance to dance with God. Living a good life depends on what matters to you.

Of recent, I changed my mindset because these days, I am more aware of "the moment" and I live it. 

So decided to pursue my passion by creating a blog of my own which allows me to be creative and to work within my talents.
"A good life" deals with the simple pleasures that makes you happy, the personal goals you strive to achieve, the relationship you nurture and the legacy you will leave behind.

Many don’t know that time after all is the element of life that’s why a lot of people are caught up in the crazy rush of living a corporate lifestyle and will fail to appreciate their time. 

There might be dozens of ways of living a good life, but I will focus on just TEN IMPORTANT WAYS OF LIVING A GOOD LIFE.

How To Live A Good Life

1. Be Self Sufficient: This is the greatest freedom. And your freedom is the greatest gift. Don't let people see you as a burden

2. Slow Down: There is a big difference between getting things done and getting things done effectively. Rushing diminishes accuracy.

3. Concentrate On Your Passions:  Your passion can be anything that challenges, intrigue and motivates you. True wealth comes naturally to those who are passionate about their endeavors.

4. Exercise Your 5 Sense: This is actually a technique for meditating.   Your touch, sight, smell, taste and hearing will give you a way of rewarding your personal experience.

5. Use What You Have: If you have ever achieved anything it will be through the abilities you possess. Success happens when you stretch the limits of the resources you have.

6. Be Sure Of Your Goals: Start small, be specific with what you want to achieve because you can never get anywhere if you don't know what you want. Acknowledge your weakness and take notes of any setbacks.

7. Learn Time Management: People who practice time management find out that they are more productive. When you try achieving your goals without planning your time, it will be like you sailing the open ocean without a map.

8. Think More And Talk Less: This is my weakness. I tend to talk more and think less. When we speak less, it enables us convey our thoughts in the best possible manner. The more you think, the less you talk, and the more you learn, the less you will miss.

9. Sleep Well: A tired mind is unhappy and inefficient. You need to sleep well to stay healthy

10. Eat Well: You ought to eat  healthy because like an adage say "you are what you eat".

Remember, start small and take the first step towards something new. Take time to define your values and goals of life. Work to fulfill the desires you want to achieve and stay true to yourself.


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