
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

7 Reasons Why People Easily Give Up On Their Goals

How long are you willing to pursue your dream?  The truth of the matter is that, majority of us give up on our goals because it is more challenging to achieve than we thought.

There are always two crucial choices to life, you either give up or pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes, and try again.
Many of us fail before we even start because we tend to set unachievable and unrealistic goals.  Giving up becomes the only option on the table due to lack of reason to go on. 

In most cases, some just lack the confidence to try because, of the fear of what people around them will say if they fail. The thing we fail to accept is that, the people around us influences our success and failure. 

Giving up on goals is so common that it’s important to examine the reasons why most people fail. Here, we will discuss 7 common reasons why people easily give up on their goals:

1. Lack Of Self-Confidence: Do you believe in your ability to bring an idea to fruition? If the answer is no then, you are similar to most people. Having faith in your abilities is the key to unlock the door of not giving up. Learning to trust your judgment will go a long way in building a strong mentality. People who lack self-confidence fail to set future goals or keep changing them.
If you are experiencing this, you can build your self-confidence in the following ways:

a) Stay around confident people because they will inspire confidence in you.
b) Reward any step you make towards self-confidence.

2. Preference To Stay in Your Comfort Zone: You can’t achieve your goals if you don’t leave your comfort zones. If your life is already ‘good enough” you will find it easier to give up and choose to leave your life as it is. Doing what you think is safe and comfortable might seem best at that moment because, you will feel you have gotten the results you are looking for in life but what you don’t know is that the results is missing in career opportunities, and overall growth of your life.
a) Study your fears and do something every day towards overcoming them
b)Make small steps and reward yourself for them
c) Make sure you pick the uncomfortable choice and stick to it.
d) Don't ever Give Up

3. Lack Of Perseverance: People who lack perseverance often think everything should be easy. It is mostly true for those who grow up with everything they need. Whatever someone else is doing to succeed might look easy from afar but, it’s not that easy. Do you know how many times innovators try to get things right? Instant success is always a story and only happens to those who use shortcuts. People who refuse to adjust to challenges end up settling with what they have. People who believe in quick results tend to give up when they do not come. Nowadays, people go for things that will bring fast results like:

a)Stealing tests to get better grades faster and easily
b) Taking drugs to help in studying and memory retention
c) Bribing tutors to get good grades instead of perfecting their academic writing

4. You do not Believe in Yourself
Your mindset determines your success, failure, perseverance, and giving up.  You not believing in yourself is the answer to why you give up so easily. If you do not believe in yourself then, you will keep putting yourself down.  You always thinkof the worst and blame others for your failure. 
PS: The first thing that comes in your mind when you are on edge determines your strength. 
In order for you to start believing in yourself, you need to:
a) Think about your past success
b) Learn to forgive yourself for your failures
c) Look for help
d) Practice always makes perfect
e)Set and achieve goals

“Believe in yourself that you can make a change”- Opeyemi Shodunke

5. You Listen People’s Advice: Listening to other people’s opinions, especially the negative ones will kill your dream. The fear of judgment can get in the way. It is advisable to give up on people who bring negative energy into your life. 
The following are tips on how not to give:

a) Confide in the people you trust because they will give you positive feedback.
b) Identify and distance yourself from negative people when pursuing your dream
c) Focus on the solutions that are being provided rather than the problem

6. Lack Of Motivation to Work Hard: Commitment, motivation, consistency and discipline go hand in hand if you want to achieve your dreams. Self-discipline is what sets you apart from the dreamers. All people who seek to pursue particular things face challenges . Not accepting the obstacles and deciding to do something about it makes all the difference. If you are having a difficult time with self-discipline; then, there is something you are doing wrong. The pathway to self-discipline is easy with this habit:

a) Self-acceptance- accept that there are some things you cannot change about yourself
b) Develop willpower because discipline cannot stand without it
c) Self-control is vital to for self-discipline – you should take control of your life. Giving up short term satisfaction for long term gains which is the most difficult of them all.

7. Daily Distractions: We live in a dynamic world were you get instant access to information, entertainment and communication. We have gotten used to leading a fast paced life. It’s normal to get distract but you allowing the distraction take over can make you lose or forget your goal. Achieving your goal requires focus. A serious life dream might sometimes require years or even decades to be brought to reality.

Don’t Forget:
Giving up is the fastest root of failure. Nothing can stop you if you have self-confidence in your abilities. Leaving your comfort zone will require much strength but will enable you to explore greener pastures. When you lack perseverance, you seem to see every step as a challenge. On the road to success, there is nothing like a quick result, just hard work, and patience. Self-discipline means you do not wait for pressure to do better. Listening to harmful advice and opinion can discourage you and keep you in your comfort zone.
Take these seven reasons why goals are always given up on, work on them and you will soon find yourself achieve far more than you could ever have dreamed of. Good luck!!!!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

How To Cope In A Long Distance Relationship

Distance is one of the inevitable challenge couples face in a relationship, which is capable of destroying their long built intimacy if not handled with great caution.
I met Chuks through his father.. I reside in Lagos and he doesn’t. We got connected and fell in love with each other. 

The distance is really hard, but we have helped manage it by sending each other messages, converse throughout the day on phone and video chat steadily. It’s a constant team effort to keep us going to our first meet. Being that the coronavirus pandemic has disrupt our plans to meet. 
However, I am hopeful that we will get to meet after this virus of a thing is over. I know that as long as we stay true to each other and keep loving each other, we can overcome things together.

The thought of being separated from each other creates a great void and vacuum in the heart. It becomes so difficult especially with someone you have had great memories with, being in each other’s company and shared things in common. It is just like your world evolves  around them because they seems to be present anywhere you are. As the saying goes, “out of sight is out of mind” but there is an exception to this statement if the right steps are taken. 

Here are some factors that will help you cope in a distance Relationship.

1. Good Communication: Good communication helps to strengthen the bond and rekindle the spark that might have been lost as a result of distance. Technology has really made thing easier and less expensive. Communication must note necessarily be only calls, but chatting via social media which tend to be more convenient and less expensive . With consistent communication, distance relationship can stand the test of time because, by communicating with your partner, you are not just desiring to hear their voice but you are also reassuring them of your unending love towards them which can never be separated by distance.

2. COMMITMENT: For partners who has defined their relationship and are really committed to each other, out of sight can never be out of mind. Distance is however not a problem for them. But, partners who are not really into each other, that the purpose of them being in a relationship might be based on satisfying each other’s sexual needs and once that becomes impossible due to the distance, their relationship might eventually come to an end.

3. TRUST: This is a very important factor. Trust is not just earned but it is built, nurtured and allowed to grow with time before it becomes relevant. When you create a room for doubt while you are still with each other what makes you think there will be trust when you are apart? Always make your relationship transparent. Avoid anything that will create a room for suspicion in your partner’s mind. Lack of trust poses fear and brings about insecurity which tend to destroy the relationship with time. When the trust becomes mutual then, the distance in your relationship will never be a barrier.

4. Boundaries: Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want someone to do to you. Abstain from situations that might make your long distance partner feel uncomfortable. Adhere to whatever rules you know works for you both.

5. Make Plans: To keep your long distance relationship going, you both need to meet. Think and discuss things you will both like to do when you meet because, this will create something that both partners can look up to.

Long distance relationships are not easy, but the distance doesn't have to ruin your relationship either. Try these factors and you will see that long distance relationships can actually be more stable than close relationships.

Friday, April 24, 2020


Relationship does not always bounce back after cheating. But it is possible for trust to be regained. 
It only takes hard work and both partners willing to reconcile. 
In a relationship, Getting cheated on is one of the worst feelings you can experience. It is really painful when you get cheated on from someone you share a bond with and trust completely with your life. It rings a bell right ? Yeah, I know how it feels.

Let me share my personal experience with you at this point...

I was in a relationship where the guy I trusted completely cheated on me not just once, but eight good times. I couldn't help it so I took records.

The most painful one was when he had an affair with my secondary school classmate. 

This my classmate is a fashion designer who my boyfriend condemned on first sight because of her height. 

Unknowingly, they exchanged contacts. So funny how guys tell lies to brainwash ladies just to get them into their bed..

I felt really bad when I later caught them. The pain I felt was worse than I do feel when a relative dies. Then I realized that he has taken me for granted because he knew I will forgive him again. But trust me this time I encouraged myself, gave him space and stayed away.

“In some cases, It is possible to rebuild trust to a point that it becomes stronger than before”.

“Believing that there is hope for the future of the relationship, is the first step to rebuilding the trust that was lost”

Most people cheat because they are not happy in one way or another and decides to leave you behind and move on to someone else. It could also be that some cheats by mistake, so they profess their love for you and tell you they still want you back.

Recently, I had a conversation with my friend Benson. I asked him why people cheat? 

He replied: “Some do it for fun while others do it to taste something different”.

The question now is, can you ever rebuild the old trust between you?  Here is what I think..

1. It depends on your relationship: some relationship can go back to normal and others can't. When you have been together with someone for a very long time, the pain is thrice as hard when you are cheated on. But if your relationship is new, it is easier to try put the incident in the past and work towards a better future.

2. It depends on the Offender: If they prove to you that they made a bad mistake, make amends and promise not to make the mistake again no matter the situation, then trust can be rebuilt. 

3. It depends on you: Are you willingly to trust them again? Do you think they deserve your trust? The truth is “if you have trust issues”, then you can never trust your partner again. But, if you feel you both have a future and you have listened to their reasons and it sounded  real, then you will definitely trust them again.

There is no definite answer at all. If your partner doesn't make amends just know that it's the end of the relationship. 


Have you ever been cheated on? 

Were you willing to trust them again? 

I would really love to hear from you and learn from your experience. 
Please leave a comment and share your experiences with me....

13 Relationship Truths That Should Never Be Forgotten

Sometimes in relationships there are no listed rules to live by. What works for Chuks might not work for you. In situations like this you have to discover what's best for you and your relationship.
A lot of people try to ignore some of these truths, but sometimes it does not turn out well. Some of these truths are unavoidable because ignoring them might be risky.

These are some of the relationship truths you should never forget.

1. There Is No Perfect Relationship:  Don't be deceived by what you see in movies. While growing up, I always imagined myself having a prince charming like Cinderella. I use to think relationships work perfectly everyday. Is this really possible? Stop having fantasies and face reality. Don't throw away the great relationship you have in your quest for a perfect relationship because it will ruin the great relationship you have.

2. Successful Relationship Requires Some Work: Successful relationship requires hard work and commitment. In life, you can't succeeded without
 making any effort by working hard. Same reason why you can't have a successful relationship without working. Both partners are to take the risk of sharing what's going on in their minds for possible solutions. 

The truth is “Open communication and honesty is the key”.

3. Do not Fight For A Spot In Someone's Life: You undervalue yourself when you beg someone to be in your life or to be in theirs. Never force someone to create space for you in their life because if you do, they won't value you. 

“You are unique and special” and trust me on this, if they know your worth, they will create a spot for you.

4.Don't Bring Your Past Relationship To Your New One: A lot of us tend to forget this. If your past relationship was too good, am sure you will still be in it till now. Don't ever compare your new partner with your ex. People are unique and different in their own way.

5. Your Relationship Should Not Be A Competition: You are not running a race with anyone. Stop competing with your partner. Your relationship will never grow if it's treated as a competition. At the end of the day, it is the relationship that will suffer.

6. There Is A Purpose For Everyone To Meet: Some people will use you, some will test you, some will teach you.. The most important one is the one that will bring out the best in you. Try to learn and accept the differences between these people and carry on.

7. You Have Full Control Over Your Happiness: Create your happiness first before you can share it with someone else. Nobody in this world can make you happy. The longing for completion that you feel inside comes from being out of touch of who you are.

8.  Not Everyone Deserves A Second Chance: If your partner hurts you and keeps doing terrible things to break your heart, think twice before giving such partner another chance. To some, you giving them another chance is an opportunity for them to break your heart again. 
PS: Second chance should only be given to people who deserve it.

9. Nothing Is Too Little To Appreciate: Cultivate the habit of always appreciating your partner no matter the little they do. Because they will want to do more when they have. Your kindness and gratitude matters.

10. Treat Your Partner How You Want To Be Treated: You can't treat your partner like trash and expect them to treat you like a princess. If you want to be respected then, respect them. Treat your partner just how you want to be treated.

11. You Get What You Put In: If you want to be loved, give love. If you want to friend, be friendly. This is a simple practice that works.

12. Your Life Will Be Better Off Without Certain People: Not everyone that comes into  your life deserves to stay. If someone keep mistreating you and pushes you in the wrong direction, respect yourself and walk away. It will surely hurt, but you will be fine.

13. Even The Best Relationship Doesn't Last: We don't live forever. Be grateful for what you have, appreciate who loves you, who cares for you and cherish you. You will never know how much they mean to you till they are no longer beside you. Remember, just because something doesn't last forever, doesn't mean it wasn't worth your while.

These relationship truths should never be forgotten.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

How To Live A Good Life

Living a good life means different things to different people. Life is not just an adventure full of mystery that is yet to be uncovered. Life is a chance to dance with God. Living a good life depends on what matters to you.

Of recent, I changed my mindset because these days, I am more aware of "the moment" and I live it. 

So decided to pursue my passion by creating a blog of my own which allows me to be creative and to work within my talents.
"A good life" deals with the simple pleasures that makes you happy, the personal goals you strive to achieve, the relationship you nurture and the legacy you will leave behind.

Many don’t know that time after all is the element of life that’s why a lot of people are caught up in the crazy rush of living a corporate lifestyle and will fail to appreciate their time. 

There might be dozens of ways of living a good life, but I will focus on just TEN IMPORTANT WAYS OF LIVING A GOOD LIFE.

How To Live A Good Life

1. Be Self Sufficient: This is the greatest freedom. And your freedom is the greatest gift. Don't let people see you as a burden

2. Slow Down: There is a big difference between getting things done and getting things done effectively. Rushing diminishes accuracy.

3. Concentrate On Your Passions:  Your passion can be anything that challenges, intrigue and motivates you. True wealth comes naturally to those who are passionate about their endeavors.

4. Exercise Your 5 Sense: This is actually a technique for meditating.   Your touch, sight, smell, taste and hearing will give you a way of rewarding your personal experience.

5. Use What You Have: If you have ever achieved anything it will be through the abilities you possess. Success happens when you stretch the limits of the resources you have.

6. Be Sure Of Your Goals: Start small, be specific with what you want to achieve because you can never get anywhere if you don't know what you want. Acknowledge your weakness and take notes of any setbacks.

7. Learn Time Management: People who practice time management find out that they are more productive. When you try achieving your goals without planning your time, it will be like you sailing the open ocean without a map.

8. Think More And Talk Less: This is my weakness. I tend to talk more and think less. When we speak less, it enables us convey our thoughts in the best possible manner. The more you think, the less you talk, and the more you learn, the less you will miss.

9. Sleep Well: A tired mind is unhappy and inefficient. You need to sleep well to stay healthy

10. Eat Well: You ought to eat  healthy because like an adage say "you are what you eat".

Remember, start small and take the first step towards something new. Take time to define your values and goals of life. Work to fulfill the desires you want to achieve and stay true to yourself.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

5 Reasons Why You Can Never Please Anyone

If there is anything I have learnt over the course of my life is that, living a life to please someone is nothing short of a death sentence.

Thankfully, I learnt this lesson early enough before it destroys me.

Back then when I still schooled in Auchi Polytechnic, I made cool friends but, there was this Favour of a girl that fascinated me, she had this clique that I badly wanted to join  because, I wanted Favour to be friends with me.

I did everything I could to please her and I lived my life the way she did hers. This gained me a small bit of approval from her and she allowed me join her clique. I knew I wasn't being true to myself but I continued pleasing her till she got me into a big mess.
Instead of living my life and be real, I became a clone with nothing original. It was like my life wasn't even mine anymore. When I got out of the mess Favour caused, I sat down to think about my life and I decided to change and be real to myself.

Living my life being real was so liberating. I grew to love myself and it made me better at loving other people too. I gained my self-worth and self confidence that I needed to be the real version of myself.

Pleasing people all the time is just not worth it because, you will not only begin to live your life according to someone else standards but also deny yourself all sense of happiness.

I know there might be thousands of reasons why it's impossible to please everyone but, I will share 5 reasons that are very important.

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Please Anyone

1. You Lose Your Integrity And Your Voice: Physically speaking, no two people are alike, twins might be identical but their personalities are different. We are unique in our own way. If you keep pleasing people you will compromise your integrity and overlook the voice of your inner artist.

2. You End Up With Less Confidence: 
As humans, we hear alarm bells when we sense that someone is being fake. People will find you untrustworthy because you only tell them what they want to hear. Stand up for yourself so you don't feel less confident.

3. Loss Of identity: 
If you are putting on a different show for people you get fascinated with, it is very easy for you to lose track of who you really are. Be true to who you are no matter who you are with. Don't hide the unique things about yourself that makes you the wonderful person that you are.

4. You Simply Can't Be Liked By Everybody: 
No matter how hard you try and no matter how "nice" you are with people, they will still have an opinion about you. So don't even bother to please them.

5. Freedom To Be Who You Want To Be:
When you no longer care about what people think of you, you have no idea how much liberty gives you inner peace. Just give it a chance and you will get to understand what am talking about.

The world does not need insincere people-pleaser, the world needs the real you.
So step up and let the real you shine. The world's approval is waiting for you.


What lessons have you learnt about trying to please people? Do you let the desire to please people influence what you do? If you have any experiences (positive or negative) of breaking free from the desire to please people then I would love to hear about them and learn from your experience as well. So please leave a comment and tell us how you did it!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Is Love Meaningful Without Liberty?

Love is absolutely meaningless without freedom. To love someone is to love them without thinking you own them. I once had the mentality that, jealousy and possessiveness were signs of love  but as time went on I realized that they were signs of ego.
I was in a relationship for five years where I was restricted. To be honest with you, it was really suffocating. It wasn't easy because he explicitly told me that I can't have male friends and also can't take myself out for a treat or attend my secondary school get together party.

I obeyed him because I thought the possessive behavior was normal in every relationship. But luckily, now i have a taste of what it's like to have liberty in a relationship. 

You might confuse the idea of liberty in love with cheating... "Cheating is you betraying someone's trust after promising he or she that you will be faithful to them" but, that's not the case. I have come to understand that freedom is based on trust and the common vision you and your partner have.

I have come to realize that, i encouraged his behavior in the past because, he didn't trust me and that was why he always restricted me. I actually don't blame him at all because I was not brave enough to put a stop to his behavior.
I have learnt that jealousy, restrictions and possessiveness are the destroyers of love and they have no place in a healthy relationship. True love will set you free. I know nobody is perfect and there is no perfect relationship but, there are people that you connect with at a higher level of your soul rather than through your minds.

Why do you think you bond immediately with someone you just met, having the feeling that you have known each other for a long time? Whether you admit it or not, we all seek our soul mate because it is the important part of our soul and our soul yearns to be mirrored with another soul.

Our thinking alone attracts what we wish for ourselves in life. Don't ever stop believing in the existence of your soulmate and don't stop searching until you find them.

Erase the thought that "you will never meet the right person" trust me on this. Once you can erase this thought then, life will be good .

 My Motto is "Change your thinking, Change your life.

10 Easy Ways To Spice Up Your Relationship

Quite a number of people define relationship in quite a number of ways. Anyone who has been in a relationship for a long period will understand how easy it is to fall into a rut. However, the paramount thing here is that every relationship must be alive and healthy.

For your relationship to be healthy, it  needs a few key spices, some of which are: 

Being open and honest is a fundamental part of a healthy relationship. The first step to building a relationship is by ensuring you both understand each other's needs and expectations. That is to say you have to talk to each other.

When laying a foundation with block, you need sand, cement and gravel. Respect is like the gravel, sand and cement which holds the blocks that has been laid on a foundation of any relationship. Your partners wishes and feelings must have value.
Ps: Mutual respect is essential in spicing up your relationship.

Practice Gratitude:
Do not take your partner for granted. Always remember the loving deeds your partner does. Practice gratitude together, continue taking turns until you exhaust all possibility. Say thank you at least twice a day!

Have A Forgiving Spirit: 
You are bound to make mistakes, no one is perfect. Shits happens many times it's left for you to tell your partner how you feel and forgive. Keeping grudges won't help you in any way. Even the Bible urged us to always forgive.

Think of it as the pillar of any relationship. It won't allow your relationship to crash. Arguments are natural part of healthy relationships but, it's important that you find a way to compromise. Resolve your issues in a fair and rational way.

Relationships are never 50-50. This is an essential spice. You are both required to hype and encourage each other. Always let your partner know when you need their support because you are to build and not pull each other down.

Take Interest In What Interest Them:
If your partner loves to watch sports on television, try and watch it with him sometimes.

Make Love With Your Thoughts, Words And Actions:
Making love is not only about sex. Our brain is our biggest sex organ. think and speak lovingly to him. Also, try and be naughty once in awhile for him. When you do this your love with continue to grow and your bond with become strong.

Learn To Plan Fun:
Life is difficult but you have to learn to enjoy it. Plan something you both enjoy. Go away for a weekend once in awhile

Cherish Each Other:
Never let anything or anybody get in between you two. Laugh together and grow together and it just keeps getting better.

Today, I challenge you to take responsibility for the state of your partnership and use this few tips to create happiness, joy and excitement that will last forever.

How To Make Money Online Daily

Have you ever been frustrated being out of cash with no one actually coming to your aide?

Yes right? Don’t worry.. I totally know how it feels.

Being broke is very annoying especially when there are needs and other little things you need to take care of.

In today’s write up, I will reveal different ways on how you can make money daily online.




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Did you know that 3 million Nigerians recharge their phones EVERY HOUR and within 3 months Nigerians consumed airtime worth N680 billion?

Here is what’s more interesting, EVERY-TIME someone buys airtime or data someone is earning on the backend because they own or have access to a PORTAL.

Nigerian Banks are making millions every single day simply because they have a portal that people use to buy airtime & data.

Here is the good news, you can have access to your own a VTU portal as well.

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So there you go… These are my proven ways to make money online daily.

About Momodu Precious

Hi, I am Momodu Precious. A very passionate, hardworking and prolific writer am a student of the Nigerian Institute of Journalism where I pursue my Diploma certification in journalism Writing makes me alive.

 It brightens my day.

Reading does same for me. Although, I’m not sure of what’s going to happen next, I am sure of what I want right now.

And that is, to write and write passionately.

Dealings with covid-19 vaccination

By Shodunke Opeyemi David Should I call it rumour or noise spreading across the world that AstraZeneca is fake, people saying th...