
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How To Get Over Breakup

Breakups are incredibly difficult. If you have just broken up with someone you care about, you may feel sad, angry, disappointed or betrayed . The good news is that these feelings won’t last forever so you don’t have to feel bad because they are not just worth it.
After the breakup, give yourself some time and space to process your grief. When you’re ready, use the wisdom and experience you gained from the relationship to move forward with your life. Take time to reconnect with things that brought you joy before the breakup, and look for new forms of fulfillment as well.

Let me share my personal experience with you at this point:

The most important and constant person in my life for five years cheated on me with my friend. I was so devastated because I lost not only my boyfriend but the person I trusted more than anyone in the entire world. I pray that the few things I learnt while dealing with my own heartache will be able to give hope, help your heart heal and help you let go of the hurt in due time. 
Here are some things you can do to recover from breakup:

1. Give yourself time to grieve: Break-ups are the “worst possible thing that can ever happen.” I didn’t believe till I was heartbroken. It was being stabbed over and over again and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I wept profusely because I still couldn’t believe that the person who once told me things like “I love you my precious gift“, “don’t ever leave me” was now the same person that cheated and betrayed me. Nobody is stopping you from grieving because it’s better to do so than to repress, else, you might end up exploding one day and the implications will be worse. 
PS: Surround yourself with people who understand what you are going through and pour your heart out all you want. Don’t rush things and let time pass. You will eventually get exhausted and run out of tears before you even realize it.

2. Avoid Contact With Your Ex: I know how hard letting go is but it is probably best to cut all kind of contact with him after the breakup. Avoid calling and texting him. It’s better not knowing what he has been doing. If you think that communicating will make things better, trust me, it never will.

3. Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault. No relationship is perfect and there’s no use dwelling over the things you could have or should have done to save it. If you fought until the very end to keep it alive, then you should be proud of yourself. You held your part of the bargain and you didn’t let go even when you had all the freedom to. Love is not a feeling but a choice. Yes, it’s sad, especially when you think about all the promises and plans you made together, don't be too hard on yourself. Relationship is not a do or die affair.

4. Divert Your Attention: Don’t stay idle it will make you think of him. Try to live a function life despite the pain you are going.
5. Always Know You Deserve Better: If your breakup was due to the fact that he cheated or you were being taken for granted just  see it as a chance for you to be free from someone that doesn’t respect you or knows your real worth. 

Moving through a breakup is messy and hard. I know, I have been there. If you’re walking through a breakup right now, and it hurts, I stand with you. You will get through this. Don’t forget that God has a gorgeous plan for your life. So, set boundaries, take care of yourself, and lean on Him. You are going to make it.

Friday, May 15, 2020

14 Signs She Truly Loves You

Love is beautiful and sweet especially when you are with the right person. True love makes you feel secure, special and hopeful. There is nothing more wonderful in a relationship than loving your partner and being loved in return.
Women are unpredictable beings. They are emotional and they easily have a change of mind. When a woman is in love, no matter how matured she is you will be able to notice these signs that will show she truly loves you.

However, when a woman loves truly, she can be so vulnerable, selfless and possessive. No matter how matured she is, she will still behave childish.

Do you find it difficult to understand your woman and the feelings she have towards you? Do you want to know if she really loves you? If you are having a hard time in knowing how your woman feels about you then, these signs will help you find out the truth.....

So without further introduction, here are 14 signs that shows she truly loves you:

1. She is willing to sacrifice for you: Your woman won’t hesitate in sacrificing her own needs to help you. I can relate. I know the sacrifices I made just to make my man happy in my past relationship.
2. She is kind and patient no matter how annoying you are: A woman who truly loves you will always be patient and kind no matter how annoying and frustrating you are. Even when she gets angry... she won’t be able to stay angry at you for long.

3. She forgives you many times: No relationship is perfect. It takes a lot of effort and commitment to make it work. Even whenever you hurt her, she is always ready to forgive you. A woman that truly loves you won’t focus on your mistakes and flaws.

4. She wants you to be a better person: She will always want you to be a better version of yourself. She would never tolerate your negative behaviors because, she wants you to be responsible. If your woman supports your negative behavior then just know she doesn’t love you.

5. She spends time with you: Love and time go hand in hand. It is very important you both spend quality time.

6. She seeks your advice: if she loves you she will always ask for your opinion.

7. She is a good intimate partner: If she loves you she will trust you with her mind, body, and soul. She will always want to try something new with you. She never hesitates while making physical contact with you.
8. She loves cooking your favorite meal: We all know the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. She will want to know your favorite dish and she will put extra effort in preparing your favorite meal.

9. She will always give him gifts without reason: If a woman loves you, she will buy you gifts without any reason. Usually, we buy presents for our loved ones on their birthdays or anniversaries, but in this case, it doesn’t need to be your birthday before she showers you with gifts.

10. She will pay attention to your needs: If a woman truly loves a man, she will spend a lot of attention to all his needs and ensure that he gets what he wants. She would try her best to please him in every possible manner.

11. She encourages and supports you in reaching your dreams: Your woman wants you to reach your dreams because, she wants you to be a fulfilled and successful person. She will always encourage you to pursue your goals.

12. She stays with you in your darkest times: If she truly loves you she won’t leave you during discouraging times, she will be there to boost your self-esteem. She will help you see your worth again and get back to your feet. She will be with you through thick and thin.

13. She will not take advantage of you: A woman that truly loves you would not only be sweet and nice to you whenever she needs something. If she loves you, she would be consistent in how she treats you, even when you are not doing anything for her.
14. She will not take you for granted: your woman can make you feel her true love by appreciating everything you do for her. She will not forget to thank you even for small things. She will never waste your efforts.

Women have a very selfless and tender nature. They will leave absolutely no chance whatsoever to show their deep love and affection.

PS: When you see a woman doing any or all of these signs mentioned above, do not take any of it for granted. Know and value what you have before it is too late.

Appreciate your woman’s deep love and everything she does in the name of that love and give her due respect for it. So what are your thoughts on recognizing a woman in love? Please share your thoughts and experience I will like to know more!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

7 Signs He Truly Loves You

Being in love is about an emotional connection. The connection is either there or it isn’t. Love is so sweet especially when you are with the right person. It’s not just about the feelings you have for your partner but also about how they make you feel about yourself and as a couple. 
When you feel truly loved by someone, you feel supported, special and happy. Being loved by that certain someone is like having a secret super power.

I know how nice it is to hear the words “I love you” from someone you love, but at the end of the day that’s all they are, just words. Actions are more of a true reflections of someone’s thoughts and feelings. 

People can say anything, but real love requires effort and  not just words. Don't expect  your guy to  drop “clues” or give you “hints” that he loves you. He’s going to do 7 very obvious things. And when you know what to look for, these signs will become more obvious to spot. You will be able to know when a guy has feelings for you or even when he has feelings for someone else…
He may say that he loves you, but how can you tell? What if he never even actually said the words? Telling whether or not a guy loves you can be tricky, but you can do it. You only just have to look for different signs, such as how much time he spends with you or how much effort he puts into the relationship. Keep in mind that every guy is different, so not all of the tips in this article may apply to your man.

So without further introduction, here are 7 biggest signs a guy loves you:

1. He spends time with you:  guys tend to stay  around ladies they feel comfortable with... If your guy doesn't spend any time with you, or just never seem to be “around” you, then, there is a chances that he’s not interested. An interested guy will always  find an excuse to spend time with you.

2. He Is Affectionate: His body language and his nonsexual interactions with you will show you how much he cares. 

3. He Cares About Your Happiness: A guy who truly loves you will always want your happiness even if he has to make sacrifice on his part. You being happy makes him happy too. Your happiness is a priority to him.
4. He Encourages You:
A guy who truly loves you will be your biggest fan. He will give you words of encouragement and will lift you up when you are feeling down. 

5. He Is Protective: He will always be very protective of you. He will never want to see you hurt,  He will be very cautious so as not to be a source of pain to you. He will treat you with respect, and mind his actions and words.

6. He Sees You: A guy that truly loves you  see and accept the real you. If your guy has seen the worst of you and still looks deep and lovingly into your eyes with no judgement he truly loves you.

7. He Misses You Even When Apart: Knowing how much your guy misses you when you are far make you feel special. He may not say it, but the phone calls, and texts he sends when you two are apart is his way of telling you he misses you.

 Some guys have been fucking around for so long that they’ve basically become professional players. And some guys just have a knack for faking the love long enough to get what they want or at least give it a good try.

But most guys aren’t willing to invest that much energy into something they don’t consider serious. If you know what signs to look for, you’ll be able to tell what game they’re playing.

I really wish we can rely on guys to be on their best behaviors, but we can’t. We’ve all been hurt often enough to know that. So, learn the difference between a guy who pretends to like you and a guy who like likes you. You’ll be amazed at how many bullets you dodge.

Are you able to recognize when a man truly loves you? Hearing the words is nice, but don’t get caught up in words. His actions are far more important and telling than any three words could ever be. So what are your thoughts on recognizing a man in love? Please share your thoughts and experience I will like to know more!!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

22 Things To Do To Make Sure Your Relationship Last

Being in a relationship is not that easy and whoever tells you otherwise clearly has no idea about what he is talking about.
Relationship needs more than love. It requires both work and dedication from both partners. Love is paramount but it’s never really enough!

Whether you just started a relationship or you have been together for years, there are things you can make your relationship. Even if you have experienced a lot of failed relationships in the past or struggled before to rebuild the spark of romance in your current relationship, you can still learn to stay connected, find fulfillment, and enjoy lasting happiness.

Here are 22 things you can do to make sure your relationship last.

1. Take pride in your partner. Treasure them for loving you through thick and thin.

2. In the face of difficulties, don't ever bring up separation as an option.

3. Be open to compromises.

4. Don’t be ashamed of who you are. Let your partner know the real you.

5. Never take your partner for granted.
6. Don't bottle up feelings and emotions. Talk it out!

7. Try to remember little details such as likes and dislikes of your partner.

8. Take interest in their passion and work. Support them. Encourage them.

9. Don't compare your partner or relationship with others.

10. Make them feel valued. Tell them they make your life better from time to time.

11. If a discussion turns into a fight, Learn how to respectfully resolve conflict.

12. Be patient and forgiving when they confess or apologize.

13. Make efforts to take out time for each other.

14. Accept them, don't try to change them.

15. Communication is the key

16. Honesty is the foundation.

17. No matter what, never ever do or say anything to put them down.

18. Treat your partner the way you want them to treat you. 

19. Don't be indifferent to future plans.

20. Pay attention when they share their thoughts and feelings.

21. Don't wait around expecting them to figure out what you want. Speak up.

22. For any major decision, consult them and explain your stance.

Relationships require a fair amount of effort. They don't just purr along forever on their own! Think of your relationship like you owning a sure you do oil changes, routine maintenance, etc. Make sure you are setting aside enough quality time to talk and just have fun. Make sure your relationship sex. There need to be a balance. And don't give up at the first bump in the road.

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