
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How To Get Over Breakup

Breakups are incredibly difficult. If you have just broken up with someone you care about, you may feel sad, angry, disappointed or betrayed . The good news is that these feelings won’t last forever so you don’t have to feel bad because they are not just worth it.
After the breakup, give yourself some time and space to process your grief. When you’re ready, use the wisdom and experience you gained from the relationship to move forward with your life. Take time to reconnect with things that brought you joy before the breakup, and look for new forms of fulfillment as well.

Let me share my personal experience with you at this point:

The most important and constant person in my life for five years cheated on me with my friend. I was so devastated because I lost not only my boyfriend but the person I trusted more than anyone in the entire world. I pray that the few things I learnt while dealing with my own heartache will be able to give hope, help your heart heal and help you let go of the hurt in due time. 
Here are some things you can do to recover from breakup:

1. Give yourself time to grieve: Break-ups are the “worst possible thing that can ever happen.” I didn’t believe till I was heartbroken. It was being stabbed over and over again and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I wept profusely because I still couldn’t believe that the person who once told me things like “I love you my precious gift“, “don’t ever leave me” was now the same person that cheated and betrayed me. Nobody is stopping you from grieving because it’s better to do so than to repress, else, you might end up exploding one day and the implications will be worse. 
PS: Surround yourself with people who understand what you are going through and pour your heart out all you want. Don’t rush things and let time pass. You will eventually get exhausted and run out of tears before you even realize it.

2. Avoid Contact With Your Ex: I know how hard letting go is but it is probably best to cut all kind of contact with him after the breakup. Avoid calling and texting him. It’s better not knowing what he has been doing. If you think that communicating will make things better, trust me, it never will.

3. Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault. No relationship is perfect and there’s no use dwelling over the things you could have or should have done to save it. If you fought until the very end to keep it alive, then you should be proud of yourself. You held your part of the bargain and you didn’t let go even when you had all the freedom to. Love is not a feeling but a choice. Yes, it’s sad, especially when you think about all the promises and plans you made together, don't be too hard on yourself. Relationship is not a do or die affair.

4. Divert Your Attention: Don’t stay idle it will make you think of him. Try to live a function life despite the pain you are going.
5. Always Know You Deserve Better: If your breakup was due to the fact that he cheated or you were being taken for granted just  see it as a chance for you to be free from someone that doesn’t respect you or knows your real worth. 

Moving through a breakup is messy and hard. I know, I have been there. If you’re walking through a breakup right now, and it hurts, I stand with you. You will get through this. Don’t forget that God has a gorgeous plan for your life. So, set boundaries, take care of yourself, and lean on Him. You are going to make it.

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