
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

22 Things To Do To Make Sure Your Relationship Last

Being in a relationship is not that easy and whoever tells you otherwise clearly has no idea about what he is talking about.
Relationship needs more than love. It requires both work and dedication from both partners. Love is paramount but it’s never really enough!

Whether you just started a relationship or you have been together for years, there are things you can make your relationship. Even if you have experienced a lot of failed relationships in the past or struggled before to rebuild the spark of romance in your current relationship, you can still learn to stay connected, find fulfillment, and enjoy lasting happiness.

Here are 22 things you can do to make sure your relationship last.

1. Take pride in your partner. Treasure them for loving you through thick and thin.

2. In the face of difficulties, don't ever bring up separation as an option.

3. Be open to compromises.

4. Don’t be ashamed of who you are. Let your partner know the real you.

5. Never take your partner for granted.
6. Don't bottle up feelings and emotions. Talk it out!

7. Try to remember little details such as likes and dislikes of your partner.

8. Take interest in their passion and work. Support them. Encourage them.

9. Don't compare your partner or relationship with others.

10. Make them feel valued. Tell them they make your life better from time to time.

11. If a discussion turns into a fight, Learn how to respectfully resolve conflict.

12. Be patient and forgiving when they confess or apologize.

13. Make efforts to take out time for each other.

14. Accept them, don't try to change them.

15. Communication is the key

16. Honesty is the foundation.

17. No matter what, never ever do or say anything to put them down.

18. Treat your partner the way you want them to treat you. 

19. Don't be indifferent to future plans.

20. Pay attention when they share their thoughts and feelings.

21. Don't wait around expecting them to figure out what you want. Speak up.

22. For any major decision, consult them and explain your stance.

Relationships require a fair amount of effort. They don't just purr along forever on their own! Think of your relationship like you owning a sure you do oil changes, routine maintenance, etc. Make sure you are setting aside enough quality time to talk and just have fun. Make sure your relationship sex. There need to be a balance. And don't give up at the first bump in the road.


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